Meditation is social activism

This week I heard a lecture about meditation from a Buddhist nun.  She spoke about the idea of mindfulness in a way that I have never heard before.  She said, “mindfulness without social justice is just navel gazing.”  At first this was very provocative but on second thoughts, it made perfect sense to me.

If you look up the definition of mindfulness it says, “the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something.”  This definition is why mindfulness is often used synonymously with stress management.  The definition is adequate but in the Buddhist tradition, mindfulness is part of a deeper philosophy.  Mindfulness is not just a practice.  It is a way of life. Practicing mindfulness means you commit to loving kindness.

In today’s environment of division, hate, and lies media it is easy to see how loving kindness is a stand for social justice.  It is the stand that leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr. or our brothers and sisters at Standing Rock take.

I joke about becoming a social activist because of the current political climate.  Who knew that because I meditate, I already am!

To Your One Sweet Life,

Dr. Dae

Tweetable: I joke about becoming a social activist because of the current political climate.  Who knew that because I meditate, I already am!


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