Waking up to a pleasant surprise can set the tone for the whole day

This morning I woke up to see a dusting of snow out of the window.  There was just enough snow to cover the trees and the car but not enough to stick to the street.  I think snow is beautiful so it put me into a wonderful mood.  I was singing in the shower and dancing as I got dressed.

It doesn’t really matter the season, taking a few minutes to enjoy the wonder of nature in the morning can always put me in a good mood.  Perhaps it will be that the birds are chirping or the roses are blooming. 

The key is that I set my intention for the day to be happy.  My happiness lasted for the entire day.  We have the power to do this every day.  I don’t always remember to do it but when I do, it makes all the difference!

What can you do first thing in the morning to make you happy for the day!

To Your One Sweet Life,

Dr. Dae

Tweetable:  We can set the intention for the day

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