What is High Blood Pressure?

What is High Blood Pressure?

Blood pressure is the amount of pressure that is required to push blood out of the heart and into the blood vessels so blood can travel through the body. Normal blood pressure is 120/80. The top number is the amount of pressure required to pump out the blood when the heart is contracting. The bottom number is the amount to pressure that is required to push the blood out when the heart is relaxing.

High Blood Pressure is diagnosed if your blood pressure is 130/90 or higher on 3 separate occassions.

Blood pressure can be managed well with behavioral changes, like regular exercise, a healthy whole foods diet, proper sleep and stress management.  It is possible that medications may be necessary if you are unable to find the right balance of healthy behaviors.

[box] The Anti-inflammatory diet found in Dr. Dae's book Daelicious! Recipes for Vibrant Living gives tasty recipes and ideas that help reduce blood pressure. http://healthydaes.com/daelicious/.[/box]