Bringing Love into Politics

I’m writing this through tears today.

I have been crying internally and externally all day.  I am sitting at a conference focused teaching people how to bring social consciousness to politics in America.

Anyone that knows me, knows that even though I grew up in DC, I don’t have a mind for politics.  I have always avoided conversations about politics.  Yet in the days since the election, I have found myself compelled to learn more about what are the origins of problems that have divided this country and what can I do to support the healing process.

Today during this conference, I am learning about environmental issues, about Standing Rock, fracking, inequities for women, black lives matter, money in the media, immigration bands and so much more.  My head is spinning from all the information pouring into my brain.

I am crying because each of the speakers is so passionate about their cause.  They are showing such compassion and love for what they do.  They are teaching us conviction about how to change the world with knowledge and persistence.  It is so beautiful, it touches my heart and I am crying.  It is daunting how much work we have to do, so I am crying.

It is so sweet to be in a ballroom full of women who have the heart to change the world through compassion, commitment, and love.

To Your One Sweet Life,

Dr. Dae

Tweetable: so sweet to be in a room full of women who have the heart to change the world through compassion, commitment, and love.