Loving to Give - A financial Story

I love to tithe!  I never thought I would ever say that I love to give away my money, at least until I was a millionaire.  It happened with a change of attitude about giving.

Today I heard a talk about how tithing changed someone’s life for the better.  It reminded me to be joyful every single time I tithe!

Tithing is the process of giving 10% of your salary to an organization that feeds your spirit.  The organization that people normally tithe to is their church.  In 2008, I took a class at my church and for the first time, I really understood that tithing always affirms the idea that you are giving out of a sense of fullness, your thoughts and feeling of overflow.

Tithing is based on that faith that we will always have what we need when we need it.  What we need doesn’t have to show up as only money.  It can show up as help or food or resources. Tithing taught me to change my perspective about abundance.  I learned how to look at abundance in a holistic way.

My sweet moment was remembering to have joy when tithing because each time I do it, I am asking for more abundance.

To Your One Sweet Life,

Dr. Dae

Tweetable: Remember to have joy when tithing because each time I do I am affirming more abundance.