Creating Healthy Habits Can Improve Every Area of Your Life

Creating healthy habits and routines sounds wonderful but it requires commitment and vision to see what is possible beyond what is happening right now. We have to see, feel and imagine with all of our senses the goal of where we are going!

Many people want to have healthy goals but they don’t where or how to start.  The place to start is at the end!  Starting with the end goal in mind helps you create healthy habits that become easy routines for you.  There is where having an expert work with you makes all the difference between wanting to have healthy habits and being able to implement them!

Trust me I know from personal experience.

I was a naturopathic patient before I decided to go to naturopathic medical school to become a doctor.  I have been through all the dietary changes, exercise programs, and meditation practices that I ask you to do.  While they didn’t come easy for me at first, I stuck with them and had a great doctor stepping me through the process until they became easy for me.

In fact, I am still working on making healthy habits and routines but this time it is for my patients.  If I’m honest, my business systems need to be upgraded so I can get a team to work with me and we can provide better quicker service to you.

So last month I started a new coaching program to help me.  Now I have someone telling me what to do like I tell you what to do for your health. I was excited about joining the program and looked forward to all the benefits I would receive from learning these new systems.

One of the conditions of the coaching is to dedicate time each week to learning and implementing the new education and practices.  “No problem,” I thought because I am so ready for this change.  

By the end of week 2, I was an emotional mess! Integrating these new systems was more time consuming than I originally anticipated and I was exhausted with the added workload.  I was feeling like maybe I was not ready for this big step of getting a healthy and strong business.

So, you know what I did?  I called the coaches told them how I was feeling and you know what?  I was not the first person to make that call.  They reminded me of my goals and they reminded me of my progress.  Most importantly, they reminded that healthy habits take time before they become second nature and I could handle this process by just taking one-step at a time.

This is why I include group classes and education in my practice offerings.  As we get healthy, sometimes it can feel overwhelming and that we have to figure it out alone.  In my practice, you are not alone, me and my health coaches are here with you to help you find your footing for creating your healthy habits and routines.  It can make all the difference.  

If you are ready to take your step to create more energy, health and wellness in your life, come to our next class.

To Your One Sweet Life,

Dr. Dae

Upcoming Talks:
Stress Hormones and Health
August 22, 2017
6:30 – 8:00pm

Center for Mindful Living
4708 Wisconsin Ave NW, Suite 200
Washington DC 20016


August 29, 2017
6:30 – 8:00pm

Center for Mindful Living
4708 Wisconsin Ave NW, Suite 200
Washington DC 20016