Embracing the Traditions of Your Community


All holidays have community traditions! If you can find ways to embrace your community traditions, then that becomes a foundation for your sweet holiday.

If you love your holiday traditions, you are probably already in love with the holiday season.  If you have turned away from your holiday traditions, it could be coloring the way you see the holiday.

Holiday traditions are habits that give us a sense of belonging and comfort. What is your favorite holiday tradition? Are you still doing them with our family? If not, why?

One of my favorite traditions has always been decorating the Christmas tree.  When I was a child, it was a big production in our house.  My dad would wake us up in the middle of the night and put us in the car all bundled up.  We slept as he drove us to the country to pick out and cut down a fresh tree.  We would arrive just as the sun was rising, ensuring we got the best tree on the farm.  When we were back home, he set up our tree in the basement near the fireplace.  We would decorate it and then admire it until New Year’s Eve.

In your community, are you continuing your traditions or have you started new ones that you enjoy as much or more?

I have definitely learned that family traditions are special memories that bring comfort and familiarity.  Traditions don’t have be as elaborate as my dad’s but they can still have meaning for you. So, bake some cookies, go caroling with friends, or light candles for advent or Hanukah.  Create Traditions with your community that mean something to you.

To Your One Sweet Life,

Dr. Dae