Dating Night with Myself

Many years ago, I was feeling really stuck in my business and personal life. I needed to do something to shake up the way I was thinking. A friend introduced me to a course called “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron. It is a safe-paced course that invites you to take a look at what brings you joy by remembering your personal creativity.

It is a wonderful course. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I have taken it more than once over the years. One of my favorite activities is my weekly dates with myself.  The requirements of the date are to do something that you enjoy.  Do it by yourself. Do it for at least 20 minutes.

The first time I took the course I decided to take myself on dates to different places around the city every week.  It was wonderful to explore the city where I grew up new ways.  I found so many free and cool spots that I have come to cherish.

More importantly, I learned to treat myself to a date for fun, especially when I have an intense time.

Today I decided to take a break and take myself out on a date.  I turned off my computer and my brain and took myself out for tea.  What a glorious hour!

The sweet moment is letting all the worries of my world go (even just for an hour) and come back to myself.  It is a glorious gift.

Have you dated yourself lately? How did it go?

To Your One Sweet Life,

Dr. Dae

Tweetable: A sweet moment is letting all the worries of the world go (even just for an hour) and coming back to yourself.  It is a glorious gift.


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